künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

Institut für Alles Mögliche


Kruno Jošt, Reservat Kroatien (Lovinac, HR), Foto: Institut für Alles Mögliche

Klubräume (Norwich, UK), Foto: Institut für Alles Mögliche

Art has the unique ability to help us expand our imagination and the way we think about the world. By bending the lines of logic and ­rational approaches, it offers a gateway to our collective unconscious and provides a terrain where everything is possible, hence pushing our thinking process forward. We see art and artists as seismographs for changes in society. There is also great freedom in art, addressing big and timeless questions that are independent of current economic and political realities and interests. Art can be a space for utopias, or for histories outside of history books. Art is important because it keeps us going through the difficult and dark times. Art keeps us alive.Wenn die Stadt verkauft ist, erübrigen sich alle weiteren Fragen.The Project Space Prize has not only saved many spaces and kept them alive for a longer period but basically generated a unique experimental and diverse art scene in Berlin. The Prize has also very much encouraged the founding of new spaces, fueled by the hope of receiving funding at some point. More than anything, it is an example of how much a certain public funding strategy can completely shape a local art scene.