künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

ZWITSCHERMASCHINE/ Kulturpark 3000 e. V.

Potsdamer Straße

Justyna Dryl, Light Container, 2016, Foto: Karol Komorowski

Wenn die Stadt verkauft ist, erübrigen sich alle weiteren Fragen.Funding and access to funding is a key element in sustaining project spaces. There are many funding tools that project spaces can use to cover the costs of labor, materials, and rent. But the options are competitive and usually involve a lot of effort and paperwork. In our opinion, there needs to be a change in the funding system that includes simplifying the application process and shortening the waiting time between submission and announcement of the result. Only like this can the project space keep the momentum and focus on artistic and curatorial projects.Ein großes Problem stellen natürlich die steigenden Mieten und die drohende Verdrängung von nicht gewinnorientierten Räumen aus der Stadt dar. Es wäre ­schade, wenn Fördergelder zum großen Teil an Vermieter fließen.