künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

singuhr e. V.


Rolf Julius, Musik, weiter entfernt, Klanginstallation, 1999/2021, Parochialkirche Berlin, Foto: Roman März

Julio Lugon, Elephant Meditations, Klanginstallation, 2021, Meinblau Projektraum, Foto: Roman März

We had no idea that the project room scene in Berlin existed until we had founded our own …Für viele hat die Pandemie die Wichtigkeit der künstlerischen Tätigkeit in den Vordergrund gerückt trotz der Vernachlässigung der Kultur durch die Politik. Die Wichtigkeit der Vor-Ort-Präsenz, des „analogen Sehens“, der analogen Auseinandersetzung gegenüber den digitalen Formaten ist in den Vordergrund gerückt.These try-outs should be understood not in abstract terms, but in the light of the current struggles with labor, housing, racism, homophobia, and anti-fascist positions. If politicians can facilitate these processes for us to work, that would be great. We would wish that the situation wouldn’t look as somber but reality is also knocking on the door of the art sphere. Can politicians regulate the price for studios and project spaces? Can they facilitate real financial support for diversity? Can they push a little bit further and understand the complex situation of art practitioners during and after the pandemic, and give some more support?