künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

Schinkel Pavillon e. V.

Alle guten Dinge haben etwas Lässiges und liegen wie Kühe auf der Wiese.Art is what brought me and many thousands to the city of Berlin. Berlin, and all its changes, is art.The pandemic gave us a pause and became a forced hiatus. For us, it didn’t make sense to organize events or to move into the digital space during the last year. A willingness to think outside the box, to implement short-term funding, and to listen to the needs of the community. Not everyone requires long term investments; others would like to apply for EUR 500 to develop a project for next month. These quick, low-cost funding opportunities are not clearly available yet. When implementing initiatives, first think about the places and the people you are trying to serve. Requiring project spaces to have a program mapped out six months in advance, or ask for only German-language applications is not responding to the community.