Art has the unique ability to help us expand our imagination and the way we think about the world. By bending the lines of logic and rational approaches, it offers a gateway to our collective unconscious and provides a terrain where everything is possible, hence pushing our thinking process forward. We see art and artists as seismographs for changes in society. There is also great freedom in art, addressing big and timeless questions that are independent of current economic and political realities and interests. Art can be a space for utopias, or for histories outside of history books. Art is important because it keeps us going through the difficult and dark times. Art keeps us alive.Answering this question seems to be the most difficult and an endless process for me because I have to ruminate on the past decade or so in which I have gone through Berlin as a female artist, a Korean artist, the founder and chief of an Asian contemporary art platform, and a mother. Since the very beginning, I have been interested in seeking a kind of universal identity, spanning the various backgrounds of Berlin-based contemporary artists in order to examine the question of identity as it is often perceived from the outside: according to gender, nationality, and cultural milieu. So I have created a space where the dichotomous logics about those issues could be discussed, proceeding with many projects. Above all, I had dreamt of creating a self-supporting space, based on an independent profit model. Recognizing limitations in workforce, culture, and the market of the art scene, however, I have experienced some moments of great suffering. But what has enabled me to endure those moments of suffering was not money but people, so that I would answer sincerely that a project space no longer means a physical space for me. It is a non-physical space, comprising people like artists, users and agents, or sometimes a network.Nun, spätestens seit Beuys wissen wir von der Kunst als „sozialer Plastik“ − Kunst sollte in alle Bereiche unseres Lebens einfließen, um das Leben kreativer, sozialer und besser zu machen. Doch durch die extreme Kommerzialisierung des Kunstmarktes, der den Markt möglichst klein und exklusiv halten will, um so für einige wenige Künstler*innen extrem hohe Preise zu erzielen, wird die Kunstszene auf wenige Akteur*innen beschränkt: ein paar sehr große internationale kommerzielle Galerien, Auktionshäuser, Museen, große Sammler*innen oder auch Wertanlagen für Fonds und Unternehmen usw. Um die Kunst jedoch in unser aller Leben zu integrieren, muss dieser in sich geschlossene exklusive High-Art-Market aufgebrochen werden. Die Kunstszene muss sowohl für ein breites Publikum als auch für eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Künstler*innen zugänglich sein. Diese Aufgabe können Projekträume am besten leisten, weil sie die Vielfalt und Diversität der zeitgenössischen Kunstszene am besten widerspiegeln.