künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

alpha nova & galerie futura

Am Flutgraben
alpha nova & galerie futura ist ein seit 1986 bestehender Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsort in Berlin, der aus einer dezidiert emanzipatorischen und feministischen Perspektive kulturproduzierende und kulturvermittelnde Praxis verschränkt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlerinnen bzw. FLINTA-Personen*. alpha nova & galerie futura schafft einen Raum für die Verknüpfung von politischer Intervention und künstlerischer Praxis, um daraus kritische Standpunkte für Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu entwickeln.
It’s hard to look back on the last ten years and not get distracted by Co-Vid and the massive interruption that has caused in all aspects of life. But generally, Berlin is getting more expensive, no news there: There are less store fronts perhaps to rent for a project space than there used to be. Facebook is no longer used as an announcement tool. Do young people still flock to Berlin?Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. It is absolutely necessary to delegate bureaucratic paperwork to those who are professionally trained in these tasks. Running a project space with all its paperwork baggage is taking a toll on creative output: it slows us down. However, we cannot get away from this bureaucratic burden since we lack the financial resources for professional assistance in these matters.I have never really been a friend of these kinds of networks, but from what I can see, you have done a pretty good job for the visibility of and necessity for free spaces.