künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen
In Berlin wurden ja schon gute und ­wichtige Akzente gesetzt, jedoch sollte dieses Bewusstsein auch auf Bundesebene mehr durchschlagen und ein Gesamtkonzept zur Unterstützung der Kultur in Angriff genommen werden.It always feels quite special when an institution catches the zeitgeist of a moment. Project spaces have a lot more freedom in this sense, and they can truly, sincerely, reflect a moment or a movement as it is happening. They are essential to a critically active arts scene. Perhaps the orientation of project ­spaces has been forced to shift towards something more self-sustain­able – but that might not be a bad thing.Every hour one puts into the project will be missed in your own practice. Project spaces are significant to counter the institutions and their market-oriented curated productions. They still have the ­capac­ity to foster artistic practices and communities, but also to be resistant to general tendencies and trends. Perhaps project spaces are now what once were the underground and the avant-garde.