künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

>top Schillerpalais


Mind-the-fungi, Lab, 2019, Foto: Bon Alog

Mind-the-fungi, Workshop, 2019, Foto: Bon Alog

Ohne die Projekträume und die Spielfelder, die sie bilden, wäre die Kulturlandschaft der Stadt Berlin eine Brache.It always feels quite special when an institution catches the zeitgeist of a moment. Project spaces have a lot more freedom in this sense, and they can truly, sincerely, reflect a moment or a movement as it is happening. They are essential to a critically active arts scene. Perhaps the orientation of project ­spaces has been forced to shift towards something more self-sustain­able – but that might not be a bad thing.There is probably no ideal project space, and that is exactly what is ideal about this format; the openness and the freedom that allows it to take any shape and direction. Project spaces are versatile structures that can be morphed in many different ways, reflecting the circumstances and the people that are part of the process. To us, a project space is a kind of utopia, although there is no fixed ­concept of an ideal project space. Project spaces are very much constantly evolving, changing, and adapting.