künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen



scriptings I, Foto: Scriptings

scriptings II, Foto: Scriptings

scriptings III, Foto: Scriptings

The Project Space Prize has not only saved many spaces and kept them alive for a longer period but basically generated a unique experimental and diverse art scene in Berlin. The Prize has also very much encouraged the founding of new spaces, fueled by the hope of receiving funding at some point. More than anything, it is an example of how much a certain public funding strategy can completely shape a local art scene.Art should first and foremost raise questions that are important for present and future societies. In the last decade, art has moved closer to science, technology, and society. It has become less commercialized and more diverse. We would like art to become not only illustrative and speculative, but also functional, embedding even more science and technologies within itself. This would encourage the audience to be even closer to art, perhaps more critical, diverse, ­tolerant, and creative.Ohne die Projekträume und die Spielfelder, die sie bilden, wäre die Kulturlandschaft der Stadt Berlin eine Brache.