künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen


Tula Plumi & Lisa Herfeldt, Convolution, 2018, Foto: Silke Nowak

Wendy Taylor, Efeu, 2019, Foto: Silke Nowak

Alle guten Dinge haben etwas Lässiges und liegen wie Kühe auf der Wiese.It’s hard to look back on the last ten years and not get distracted by Co-Vid and the massive interruption that has caused in all aspects of life. But generally, Berlin is getting more expensive, no news there: There are less store fronts perhaps to rent for a project space than there used to be. Facebook is no longer used as an announcement tool. Do young people still flock to Berlin?Nach den Künstler*innen und Architekt*innen kamen die Designer*innen. Heute sind’s die Start-upper*innen.