künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

Neue Berliner Räume e. V.


Jodie Carey, A Room That Was Never Meant To Be, 2013, Foto: Benjamin Busch

Robert Montgomery, Echoes of Voices in the High Towers, 2018, Foto: Benjamin Busch

Ohne die Projekträume und die Spielfelder, die sie bilden, wäre die Kulturlandschaft der Stadt Berlin eine Brache.The word “project space” is almost misleading to me. Projects do not have to take place in spaces. Radio shows, Instagram takeovers, and outdoor screenings are also projects. To focus on the aspect of space itself is to take a narrow view of what could – and is – happening in Berlin at the moment. The ideal project space would come with a budget for production and overhead costs. Ideally, also the curators ought to get paid.The art scene, spaces, artists, and initiators in the past ten years (being a continuum of what has gone before) in a nutshell, can be seen to have changed from individual authorships to more collective ones. They act in opposition to the anonymized corporate structures, in particular the giant housing conglomerates (these destructive collective edifices that have the same legal rights as a sentient individual human being) that threaten to dissemble the unique fabric of the city of Berlin that provided a fertile ground in which these initiatives could rise, connect, and thrive. So the project room scene provides a positive counter-weight to these destructive development processes as a living, breathing, collaborative, and inclusive network. I hope that this fabulous project room network does not drown in the indifference of mainstream political thinking in the city of Berlin.