künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen



Pasolini’s Bodies and Places, 2017

sittingbone, Ausstellungsansicht, 2021

These try-outs should be understood not in abstract terms, but in the light of the current struggles with labor, housing, racism, homophobia, and anti-fascist positions. If politicians can facilitate these processes for us to work, that would be great. We would wish that the situation wouldn’t look as somber but reality is also knocking on the door of the art sphere. Can politicians regulate the price for studios and project spaces? Can they facilitate real financial support for diversity? Can they push a little bit further and understand the complex situation of art practitioners during and after the pandemic, and give some more support?Kunst kann Dialoge über gesellschaftliche Prozesse öffnen und vermitteln, sie kann Orte in der Stadt als Handlungs­orte definieren und zugänglich machen. Darin ist sie ein wichtiges Element gesellschaftlicher Partizipation und politischer Willensbildungsprozesse. Das zeigt sich auch in der Ausweitung eines der Kunst zugeordneten Felds auf fast alle gesellschaftliche Kontexte. Die Stärke der Kunst ist es, in verschiedenen Räumen lebendig und er­­fahrbar zu werden. Somit bietet sie eine Schnittstelle für unterschiedliche Perspektiven und einen lebendigen Austausch.The Network is a fundamental organization in the artistic landscape of Berlin. Without the Network, many of the support structures that have been built in recent years simply would not exist. Unionizing has always been problematic in a sector like the art sphere where the construction of the worker has been historically based on the idea of the author, and therefore the ego. In order to achieve change, cooperative models like the Network are a must. The challenge is how to create belonging from difference.