künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

Donau Ecke Ganghofer

Foto: Stephanie Hanna, 2016

Foto: Stephanie Hanna, 2016

Unsere Miete hat sich mehr als verdoppelt.Even though COVEN doesn’t have our own project space (although we are thinking about getting a ­studio …), we make space, mainly for our queer community in Berlin and online. We make space to come together, meet each other, talk about stuff, and laugh. We try to pay as many queers as we can to make art with us. To think about art, to question art. Art for us has always been about creating community and offer alternatives to worn-out narratives. We like art for its world-making capacity.So ist der ideale Projektraum vor allem ein Raum, in dem der Wert eines Werkes nicht durch seinen Verkauf definiert wird.