künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen


Innenansicht, 2021, Foto: AUTOCENTER

Eingang Leipzigerstraße, 2013, Foto: AUTOCENTER

Ein großes Problem stellen natürlich die steigenden Mieten und die drohende Verdrängung von nicht gewinnorientierten Räumen aus der Stadt dar. Es wäre ­schade, wenn Fördergelder zum großen Teil an Vermieter fließen.Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. It is absolutely necessary to delegate bureaucratic paperwork to those who are professionally trained in these tasks. Running a project space with all its paperwork baggage is taking a toll on creative output: it slows us down. However, we cannot get away from this bureaucratic burden since we lack the financial resources for professional assistance in these matters.Art has the power to make people think and feel differently. Art has the power to activate change.