künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

ADN Pförtnerhaus, Statsion, TACHO

Prenzlauer Promenade

Andrea Pichel, CNTRM 2, 2018, Foto: Christof Zwiener

Sonya Schönberger feat. Julius Heise, like a monkey with a miniature cymbal, 2015, Foto: Christof Zwiener

It always feels quite special when an institution catches the zeitgeist of a moment. Project spaces have a lot more freedom in this sense, and they can truly, sincerely, reflect a moment or a movement as it is happening. They are essential to a critically active arts scene. Perhaps the orientation of project ­spaces has been forced to shift towards something more self-sustain­able – but that might not be a bad thing.The Network is a fundamental organization in the artistic landscape of Berlin. Without the Network, many of the support structures that have been built in recent years simply would not exist. Unionizing has always been problematic in a sector like the art sphere where the construction of the worker has been historically based on the idea of the author, and therefore the ego. In order to achieve change, cooperative models like the Network are a must. The challenge is how to create belonging from difference.We are interested in reaching audiences that are NOT part of the art world.