künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

Art Laboratory Berlin e. V.


Erich Berger & Mari Keto, Inheritance, 2019, Foto: Tim Deussen

Špela Petrič, Phytoteratology, 2020, Foto: Tim Deussen

Was sich bis heute entwickelt hat, ist eine wichtige Grundlage für die Wertschätzung und Sichtbarkeit der Projekträume.I have never really been a friend of these kinds of networks, but from what I can see, you have done a pretty good job for the visibility of and necessity for free spaces.It always feels quite special when an institution catches the zeitgeist of a moment. Project spaces have a lot more freedom in this sense, and they can truly, sincerely, reflect a moment or a movement as it is happening. They are essential to a critically active arts scene. Perhaps the orientation of project ­spaces has been forced to shift towards something more self-sustain­able – but that might not be a bad thing.