künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen
There is probably no ideal project space, and that is exactly what is ideal about this format; the openness and the freedom that allows it to take any shape and direction. Project spaces are versatile structures that can be morphed in many different ways, reflecting the circumstances and the people that are part of the process. To us, a project space is a kind of utopia, although there is no fixed ­concept of an ideal project space. Project spaces are very much constantly evolving, changing, and adapting.The engagement and support from the Network has been vitally important to our growth and sustainability, and also our learning and understanding of the ­wider Berlin art scene beyond our micro-communities. For one thing, we have learned so much about the plurality of spaces and creative ­discourses in Berlin. But the open discussion that the Network allows with the Berlin Senate and one another has been really important in order to understand our needs as unique nodes in the artistic landscape of Berlin, and creative mutual goals for the sustainability and vitality of the community as a whole.Ich sehe die Arbeit des Vereins als sehr wichtig an. Er ist Teil von dem, was vor etwa einem Jahrzehnt oder länger mit Initiativen wie Haben & Brauchen, der Koalition der Freien Szene und anderen losgetreten wurde. Alles braucht eine Lobby und ich bin froh, dass es nun eine Vertretung gibt. Zu meiner ­Mutter sage ich immer: „Solange man symbolisch-kulturelles Kapital (Pierre Bourdieu) nicht konkret in Zahlen bemessen kann, hat jegliche Freie Szene einen fragilen Stand.“