künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen
Every hour one puts into the project will be missed in your own practice. Project spaces are significant to counter the institutions and their market-oriented curated productions. They still have the ­capac­ity to foster artistic practices and communities, but also to be resistant to general tendencies and trends. Perhaps project spaces are now what once were the underground and the avant-garde.The Project Space Prize has not only saved many spaces and kept them alive for a longer period but basically generated a unique experimental and diverse art scene in Berlin. The Prize has also very much encouraged the founding of new spaces, fueled by the hope of receiving funding at some point. More than anything, it is an example of how much a certain public funding strategy can completely shape a local art scene.Die Diversität des Begriffs „Projektraum“ öffnet durchaus Horizonte, führt aber auch im Gegenzug zu fachlichen Überdehnungen des Kunstbegriffs. Der vorherrschende Fördermarkt-Sozial­­­darwinismus stellt Tiefgänge infrage. Komplexe kulturelle Trans­forma­tionsprozesse lassen sich mit den oft daraus entspringenden tagespolitischen Diskursen nicht ausreichend begleiten. Im Grunde genommen entsteht so ein Ober­flächen-Projektraum-Diskurs-Impressionismus.