künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen
For many decades Berlin has developed a lively, diverse, and independent way of producing culture and counteracting government decisions, based on, local, generous, and enthusiastic, but also worried, social communities that exchanged resources and ideas ­within a larger political debate. The city became a “natural” shelter and ­fertile environment for dissidents, artists, political refugees, and immigrants with any background also due to the need to overcome a traumatic past full of human generated atrocities that are still present in people memories and behaviour.Kunst ist ein dialogischer Prozess, der zwischen Kunstschaffenden und Rezipient*innen entsteht. Ihn lebendig zu halten, offen für Fragen, Irritationen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Sowie auto­nom arbeitenden Künstler*innen einen Raum zu geben, das sehen wir als unsere Aufgabe an.We had no idea that the project room scene in Berlin existed until we had founded our own …