künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen
Every hour one puts into the project will be missed in your own practice. Project spaces are significant to counter the institutions and their market-oriented curated productions. They still have the ­capac­ity to foster artistic practices and communities, but also to be resistant to general tendencies and trends. Perhaps project spaces are now what once were the underground and the avant-garde.… Still nowadays, the more and more international “g-local” Berliner independent cultural scene has been able to grow, interconnect, and continue to establish strategies to be a political protagonist of this long debate, also representing an impressive cultural resource to profit from.Ich wünsche mir mehr Selbstverwaltung der Förderungen und weniger Verwaltungshürden oder Barrikaden. Städtischer Leerstand sollte schnell und unbürokratisch zur Zwischennutzung für Projekträume nutzbar gemacht werden, selbstverwaltete künstlerische Freiräume, Projekte oder Haus­gemeinschaften müssen unbedingt erhalten bleiben.