künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen


There is probably no ideal project space, and that is exactly what is ideal about this format; the openness and the freedom that allows it to take any shape and direction. Project spaces are versatile structures that can be morphed in many different ways, reflecting the circumstances and the people that are part of the process. To us, a project space is a kind of utopia, although there is no fixed ­concept of an ideal project space. Project spaces are very much constantly evolving, changing, and adapting.Kunst kann fast alles, muss es aber nicht. Heute arbeiten wir in einem neoliberalen ­Turbokapitalismus, der an seine absoluten globalen Grenzen gekommen ist. Ohne künstlerische Arbeit wird es keine nachvollziehbare Übersetzung der jetzt NOTwendigen sozial-ökologischen Transformationsprozesse der west­europäisch geprägten Industriegesellschaften geben.To run a space is a form of appreciation of other artists, it is an outcome of friendship and mutual understanding; it is an indication of trust between all involved. To run a space means to take responsibility. To run a space is not only self-organization – money may not be vital to put up a show – but it is for sure necessary to animate a space and keep it alive. The prize comes due to hard and merited work, but maybe a grant would be more befitting than a prize? Maybe an iron scaffold holding up a structure in advance is better suited than a gold star for accomplishments? To run a space is a full time job. A group of artists who share their enthusiasm, interests, time, and skills would impart a project with a larger circulation of assignments between the makers. I am convinced that the longevity and success of a space relies on a horizontally organized (net) work.