künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen


I wish that politicians would ­realize how important funding structures are and how much these can shape an art scene – shape a city.Ich wünsche mir mehr Selbstverwaltung der Förderungen und weniger Verwaltungshürden oder Barrikaden. Städtischer Leerstand sollte schnell und unbürokratisch zur Zwischennutzung für Projekträume nutzbar gemacht werden, selbstverwaltete künstlerische Freiräume, Projekte oder Haus­gemeinschaften müssen unbedingt erhalten bleiben.There is probably no ideal project space, and that is exactly what is ideal about this format; the openness and the freedom that allows it to take any shape and direction. Project spaces are versatile structures that can be morphed in many different ways, reflecting the circumstances and the people that are part of the process. To us, a project space is a kind of utopia, although there is no fixed ­concept of an ideal project space. Project spaces are very much constantly evolving, changing, and adapting.