künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen


zentrum für theoretische peripherie


Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin,
Film screening, 2019

Storytellings (after Haraway), 2019

Foto: Gansen Moritz

For many decades Berlin has developed a lively, diverse, and independent way of producing culture and counteracting government decisions, based on, local, generous, and enthusiastic, but also worried, social communities that exchanged resources and ideas ­within a larger political debate. The city became a “natural” shelter and ­fertile environment for dissidents, artists, political refugees, and immigrants with any background also due to the need to overcome a traumatic past full of human generated atrocities that are still present in people memories and behaviour.… Still nowadays, the more and more international “g-local” Berliner independent cultural scene has been able to grow, interconnect, and continue to establish strategies to be a political protagonist of this long debate, also representing an impressive cultural resource to profit from.Fördermöglichkeiten sind begrenzt und werden so stark nachgefragt, dass es einer Lotterie gleicht, ob man einen Zu­schlag erhält.