künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen



Kiona Hagen Niehaus, Dr. Self, video work in the frame of PROBAND WERDEN,
Foto: Billie Sara Clarken

future babies, performance in the frame of the exhibition LUCKY, 2018,
Foto: Judy Landkammer

I wish that politicians would ­realize how important funding structures are and how much these can shape an art scene – shape a city.For many decades Berlin has developed a lively, diverse, and independent way of producing culture and counteracting government decisions, based on, local, generous, and enthusiastic, but also worried, social communities that exchanged resources and ideas ­within a larger political debate. The city became a “natural” shelter and ­fertile environment for dissidents, artists, political refugees, and immigrants with any background also due to the need to overcome a traumatic past full of human generated atrocities that are still present in people memories and behaviour.Wir brauchen für den Bereich Freie Szene/Kunstprojekträume ein noch viel größeres Fördervolumen. Auch eine langfristige Förde­rung für größere Projekträume (die bereits halb institutio­nalisiert sind) werden dringend benötigt.