künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen


Centrum ist ein Projektraum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Neukölln. In einem Laden-
geschäft und ehemaligen Bordell zu Hause ist der Ausstellungsraum kein reiner White Cube, sondern erhält seinen Charakter vor allem durch seinen gefliesten Boden und seine bodenlangen Fenster. Centrum bietet Möglichkeiten zum Diskurs über zeitgenössische Kunst sowie Gelegenheit zum Kennenlernen, Vernetzen und Experimentieren. Centrum wurde 2009 gegründet. Seitdem wird das Programm und der Schwerpunkt von einem wechselnden Team beeinflusst. Derzeit wird Centrum von Rachel Monosov & Jorgina Stamogianni ko-kuratiert.

Centrum, Innenansicht, Foto: Ute Klein

Emily Perry, Woman with Salad, Performance, 2016, Foto: Stefanie Dietzel & Alexander Gehlsdorf

To run a space is a form of appreciation of other artists, it is an outcome of friendship and mutual understanding; it is an indication of trust between all involved. To run a space means to take responsibility. To run a space is not only self-organization – money may not be vital to put up a show – but it is for sure necessary to animate a space and keep it alive. The prize comes due to hard and merited work, but maybe a grant would be more befitting than a prize? Maybe an iron scaffold holding up a structure in advance is better suited than a gold star for accomplishments? To run a space is a full time job. A group of artists who share their enthusiasm, interests, time, and skills would impart a project with a larger circulation of assignments between the makers. I am convinced that the longevity and success of a space relies on a horizontally organized (net) work.Das Netzwerk ist wichtig, jedoch vielen Leuten nicht sehr bekannt. Es müsste medial präsenter auftreten, also sichtbarer werden, auch unabhängig von der Preisvergabe.The word “project space” is almost misleading to me. Projects do not have to take place in spaces. Radio shows, Instagram takeovers, and outdoor screenings are also projects. To focus on the aspect of space itself is to take a narrow view of what could – and is – happening in Berlin at the moment. The ideal project space would come with a budget for production and overhead costs. Ideally, also the curators ought to get paid.