künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen
Art should first and foremost raise questions that are important for present and future societies. In the last decade, art has moved closer to science, technology, and society. It has become less commercialized and more diverse. We would like art to become not only illustrative and speculative, but also functional, embedding even more science and technologies within itself. This would encourage the audience to be even closer to art, perhaps more critical, diverse, ­tolerant, and creative.Zum Erhalt von Kultur allgemein ist wichtig, sie aus dem ökonomischen Primat zu lösen; dafür stehen alle nicht kommerziellen Projekträume als selbstbestimmte Orte von experimentellen ­Fragestellungen, Versuchen, neuen ästhetischen Formulierungen, Untersuchungen sozialer Realitäten … und es wäre noch viel wichtiger, diese Szene insgesamt in ihrer Vielfalt zu erhalten, als vereinzelte Räume „auszuzeichnen“.It’s hard to look back on the last ten years and not get distracted by Co-Vid and the massive interruption that has caused in all aspects of life. But generally, Berlin is getting more expensive, no news there: There are less store fronts perhaps to rent for a project space than there used to be. Facebook is no longer used as an announcement tool. Do young people still flock to Berlin?