künstlerischer Projekträume
und -initiativen

Rumpsti Pumsti

mailorder für Musik
Marktorientierung spielt für mich keine Rolle, mich interessiert entweder ein spezielles Thema und dazu lade ich Künstler*innen ein oder ich erarbeite mit Künstler*innen und anderen Gruppen spartenübergreifende neue Konzepte.Every hour one puts into the project will be missed in your own practice. Project spaces are significant to counter the institutions and their market-oriented curated productions. They still have the ­capac­ity to foster artistic practices and communities, but also to be resistant to general tendencies and trends. Perhaps project spaces are now what once were the underground and the avant-garde.We are very happy with the network. Whenever we had questions or doubts, the Network had an answer or guided us. Being a project space, we can see how lucky we are to have the support of this organization that has allowed us to be where we are now. We are very grateful to your organization and wish you all the best for the future.